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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Gorean Role play

Gorean Role Play in Second Life

Do you smell that? The smell of blood and steel in the air. Today I’m going to be discussing Gorean Role Play in second life or GOR. The first thing you need to know is what GOR is.
The Gorean philosophy is a philosophy espoused in the science fiction novels by John Norman. A number of fans of Norman's work have attempted to live their lives according to this philosophy. Second Life as many role play outlets, but gore is one of the most played out. Sims have been dedicated to Gorean role play and so have a number of Items. Such as clothes, weapons, armour, and furniture. Many people, in second life, are dedicated to the role play and log on SL just for that.

Gorean role play
A little background knowledge regarding Gorean role play. There are two types of roles. First, Is the born frees. These are people who have been given freedom and are allowed to move around and do as they please. Then you have your slaves. The slaves are, in essence, tools for the born frees. They cook, clean, serve sexually, and fight if ordered to by their owner. They have no rights and MUST serve ANY born free even if they do not belong to them. Slaves only carry weapons if ordered to by their owners.
Women are inferior to men. Born free women must show respect to men at all times or be punished. Women are allowed to carry weopns, but not heavy weapons such as axes, two handed swords etc.
The Gorean's occupation is formed and informed by their caste. The Caste system establishes the Gorean identity as strongly as homeland. Castes in Gor also define how the members of the caste are expected to behave. Each Caste is associated with a particular color (Black for the Assassins, White for the Initiates) or set of colors (White and Gold for the Merchants, Yellow and Blue for the Slavers). One color (Purple) is not associated with a particular Caste, but with the function of Ubar (dictator elected to rule a City during a time of war). Because of the Gorean's work ethic and pride in caste, all castes are essentially equal. There is little social mobility because of this caste pride and identity; even the Peasant caste uphold their caste codes and firmly believe in their superiority to all other castes. But in actuality, a few castes are more equal than the others.

Typically there is two forms to the Caste System. Those of the "High" caste represent the local city or town council, and their leaders form the basis for the local government. The "Low" caste typically are the tradesmen, merchants, artisans, craftsmen, and other members of the local labor force in that city or town. Those of High Caste, including in order the Initiates ("holy men", the White Caste), the Scribes (the Blue Caste), the Builders (the Yellow Caste), the Physicians (the Green Caste), and the Warriors (the Red Caste or the Scarlet) have access to privileged education and opportunities to leadership.
The social order is further consolidated by social edict: "A man who refuses to practice his livelihood or strives to alter status without consent of the Council of High Castes is by definition an outlaw." A Gorean regards the welfare of their caste higher than their own, but in return, the caste provides welfare and charity when a caste member is in need.

The way in which many Living Gorean reflect the Gorean Morality, in their professions, is to establish a code for their profession that they follow. This, combined with striving for excellence in their profession, is a small reflection of the Caste system presented in the series.
(Sourced from Wikipedia)

Going into a Gorean town or city in second Life, means you uphold the rules of the sim and must be IN CHARACTER! If you want to say something out of character the say it in IM or bracts. E.g (I love this Gorean sim!). If You are new to Gor role play then pick up a free Gor HUD, Which gives you an option to name your character (It's in green under your SL name) and a health bar. If you are attacked by someone and your health reaches zero, then that person can capture you and do as they please. The HUD also allows you to choose “In Character” or “Out of character”. Select “Out Of character” when you are afk so people know.

Guys please don’t ruin people’s fun by going to gorean sims and advertising shit or laugh at them. Respect them and respect the rules.

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