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Sunday, 6 October 2013

freebie vs paid for in second life

Freebie VS paid for – Second Life

What are freebies? Freebies in Second Life are generally items that cost zero (0) Lindens. In other words…they are free. Some freebies require you to pay one (1) Linden, which is the dumbest crap ever.
When I first started playing SL, I came across a sim that had A LOT of free stuff. I was like “WOOOOOW” I don’t have to pay a single cent to look good! As you can imagine, I went crazy. I took everything I liked and ran away to a sand box to fit it all on. So after changing into my brand new avatar, I went to paint the SL town red. I thought I looked sooooo awesome.

Freebies range from avatar skins and shapes, to clothes, jewelry, cars, houses, furniture, and even genitals.  So why buy Lindens in SL if you can get all you need for free? The simple answer is…QUALITY! Every single piece of freebie crap, will look like a doodle drawing next to something that you would pay for. The reason for this is, the freebie stuff is created by people who put very little time and effort into creating it. The quality items are created by people who take their creations very seriously. They actually pay for the programmes and invest money into creating some great stuff. It’s only fair that they be paid for such talent and hard work.

How can one tell the difference between freebie and quality? BELIEVE ME! You can tell the difference easily. A quality skin for example will have high definition. The muscle lines, the skin colour, the hands, the facial features, it’s all well-defined. A freebie skin will look like a character that just came out of the PlayStation 1.

Why does it matter if I use freebie stuff? Honestly speaking, it’s a matter of preference. Socially, your look will impact the way other community members will perceive you. If you walk around with freebie stuff, experienced players will notice it, and brush you off as someone not worth talking to. (Not all!). Buying freebie furniture as opposed to paid-for furniture will make your SL experience limited, and very boring. Using a freebie penis to try and impress a girl, who spent thousands of lindens on her avi, is highly ill advised. Any experienced girl will spot a freebie penis a mile off. She’s going to want you to have a highly defined dick, with a colour that matches your skin, and not a stick that looks like it came from a crappy cartoon.
Freebies are great for people who first start playing Second Life. As you get into the game and decided this is something you like doing, I highly advise you invest some money it. Second Life doesn’t cost a lot. It is actually cheaper to get a sexy looking avi, than to buy a pair of jeans in RL.

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